Thursday, 29 November 2012

New Edits

These are photographs I have edited today. The top one is part of my weaving techniques, I started out with the whole photograph checkered like that but I decided it looked better with just me skin and hair checkered, this is the same photograph I used as my black and white technique.
The second photograph I did was part of an animation idea I was going to do. I started out with the smoke and wanted it to suit the theme of the other photograph of the birds in my hair. I darkened the whole setting to give it an almost daunting feeling from the viewer. I like this bird theme and I would like to relate it to my scale manipulation theme as well to give it more creativity. The third photograph was an idea I had from my first shoot, I just got round to doing it today. I didn't think it would work so I left it but I decided to give it a try. I cut out the tree and put onto another layer than cut part of my model's head off to put on the other side of the tree. I blurred the edges of my model's neck and head to make it look like it was moulded into it. I would like to continue with this kind of idea and explore the surrealism of it.

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