Tuesday, 6 November 2012

I came up with some ideas for some surrealism photographs and this is one of them. I used my personal shoot to do what I wanted to do. I didn't have this idea until later on but I thought this would be a good photograph to use for this idea I had. I downloaded some Photoshop brushes of birds to create this idea. I smudged and blurred the birds towards me to make it look like they are coming out of my hair. I desaturated and curved the photograph to make it look darker and make it blend in with the theme more. I added shadows to make it look more realistic which adds to the surrealism of the photo. I would like to do something as creative as this to another photograph of mine to show my skills.

This photograph was taken by myself with a tripod and self-timer. I did a few shoots this way and I think this photograph is one of the better ones. I think it shows emotion at a random moment. I didn't think about the photograph, I just did it. That's what I like about photography, doing something completely unplanned and it turning out alright. I like spontaneous photography because of the unique sense of it and the way nothing will ever be able to be like it again. A specific moment in time is captured and is irreplaceable.

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