Thursday, 13 December 2012

7th Personal Shoot

This is my 7th personal shoot edits. I used a small canvas a prop to base my photoshoot on. I used a technique called 'image within image' which is required of me in my final project. I like this technique because of the surrealistic quality of the idea. I would like to carry on with this kind of technique and make add more to it in my future projects.

I used the small canvas as a base for my ideas. I used the canvas to position my hand and then add other  parts into in later on Photoshop. The first photograph shows another photo cut out and put onto the canvas to substitute my face. I chose not to use a nose to make it more surrealistic. I tried to make it as accurate as possible and I added a shadow behind the features to make it look as if they are coming out of the canvas. 

The second idea of this shoot shows the dramatic, yet gradual change in emotions. Although it doesn't show surrealism in an obvious way, it shows how quickly someone can change emotionally. Looking from the first photograph to the last one of the set shows the complete contrast between them. In my own opinion, I think this does show surrealism in a real way. 

The photograph I have created with the writing on myself is an idea I had when I did it. I wanted to use the gradient tool to make the writing look more gradual and smoother but it wouldn't work as I wanted it to. I think I could improve with this photograph and make it more surrealistic. 

The last photograph shows the surrealistic view of my mouth upside down which could represent the way I can't express myself through words because they get turned on their head. I used the small canvas as the base for my hands to go. The desaturation makes the viewer focus on the mouth more and make sit even more surrealistic. 

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