Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Target 12/03/13

By the end of the lesson you should have a deeper understanding of your chosen topic,which will allow you to develop, and evaluate your growing plans for your exam.

I am going to do my first studio shoot of this project. I am going to do a silhouette of the side of a model's face a put trees on the edge to show abstraction in the landscape and to explore different possibilities of this project.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Target 05/03/13

Today I am going to do contextual work and editing my last shoot, if there is time, I am going to do another shoot and hopefully edit that one as well. I am going to do my discussion and image bank today  to get the contextual work out of the way. I am also going to research some ideas I could do for this project to give me some ideas for the next shoots.