Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Personal Project: Studio Self Shoot

Even though I plan my shoots or have a rough idea of what I'm going to do. I sometimes find it hard to express exactly what's going on in my head and take a photograph of it. Like when you see something in real life and think it would make a really good picture but when you shoot it, it comes out not as you imagined it to be. I make plans of what I think would look really good as a photograph but it just doesn't work in real life. This happens to me often because I either get way over my head or just don't have the right model or subject to portray the idea I have.

Honestly, I had no idea what to do with this shoot. I knew I wanted to edit photographs of myself in different ways to show surrealism but I didn't know how to portray the ideas I wanted. I'm not the photogenic type that can just stand there and take a photograph of themselves. I have only Photoshopped two photographs, I haven't done anything to the others because, one, I didn't have time in the lesson, and two, I still need to think of good ideas. I have ideas, but they're just simple mainstream ones, I want to do something that will stand out from other surrealism work. That's going to be my personal goal, to look for tutorials on Photoshopping and find a unique surrealism technique that will stand out.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Shoots So Far

So far, I've done thirteen different shoots, three of which were out of class. I've done techniques such as Blur, Sequencing, Animation, Fine Art, Multiple Imagery, Multiple Exposure, Multiple Flash, Slow Sync and three techniques all in one shoot which were Wide Angle, Close up and Minimum Depth of Field. I have done 3 personal project shoots before and after choosing surrealism as my sub-topic. I knew I was going to do Fine Art but I hadn't decided what specifically to do until after the summer.

This is some of my work from a few of the shoots so far. I've Photoshopped some to suit the surrealism theme I have chosen.


I have chosen fine art surrealism as my personal project topic. I've done one shoot so far relating to surrealism and I've Photoshopped a few photographs.

 This photograph started out as three conkers in a hand. I then started to play around with Photoshop and decided to try and see if I could create an eye with one of them. I was going to to do more to it but I haven't had time because of all the other work I need to do. I might edit it some more in the future though, just to make it a bit better.
I wanted to do something creative with this one, This is an idea I've had for a while of having different emotions come out of the same person. I want to develop this idea further and do it in a studio shoot to make it look more professional.